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Changing My Life For The Better

I have made a decision to change my life for the better in various areas. This blog will document my journey and may inspire others to embark on a similar journey. I will reveal the tools and techniques that I am using and what’s actually working for me.

I Will Be Writing In Everyday English

I am not a professional writer or blogger (yet!), I will be writing the blog posts in everyday English. I am currently not focused on SEO or being fancy with my words. I will do my best to express myself and let you know what’s going on in my life and my actions to make changes.

I know the blog posts will not be found by many people during this initial stage. I am relying on everyone reading the posts to share them and leave feedback in the comments section.

I’m trying to figure out the changes that I want to make in my life and the best way to go about it. I will gradually reveal the difficulties that I am experiencing and the actions that I am taking to resolve them.

The important thing was to make the decision and get this initial blog post out. I hope that you find some inspiration from reading my posts as the blogging progresses and support me on this transformational journey. Maybe you would also like to get started on your own self-improvement journey.

Friday 12th July 2024 – The Day I Decided To Make Changes

My life had started to go downhill from 2013 onwards. Things had started to get out of control during the last 7 months, starting from the beginning of 2024.

A series of unfortunate events have driven me into debt and also affected my health severely. My immediate family members have also been going through a rough patch recently. All this has taken its toll and driven me into a state of mild depression. I had to pluck up a lot of courage to share this as I’m an extremely reserved person.

I have been working as a corporate security officer to try and make ends meet. The pay I receive from this job, working close to 60 hours weekly is not enough to cover my monthly expenses. The pay rate in my job has not increased to match the rising cost of living.

I work 12 hour long shifts from 7pm to 7am (nights). The work environment has become really toxic lately, many people have left the company. I do not want to leave one security job to end up working in another security job.

During the night of Friday the 12th of July 2024, I experienced a severe headache triggered by the negative thoughts occupying my mind. I knew that this nightmare existence that I was living had to change, I had, had enough… things had to change.

Thinking about the future increased the pain in my head, I was about to pass out. I started to take deep breaths and tell myself that I can get myself out of this rut. Slowly, I started to believe in myself and the pain started to decrease.

I made a decision there and then that things had to change, and I was going to do whatever it takes to make improvements in all areas of my life.

I want to solve my health, financial and emotional problems and get back to living a “normal” life, eventually leading to the life of my dreams.

I had reached rock bottom in my life, the future looked bleak… I had to step up and make changes. I knew that there was no one coming to rescue me. If I managed to get myself into this rut, surely I can get myself out of it. I know it not be easy, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to transform my life.

Figuring Out What I Want In My Life

Now that I have made a concrete decision to transform my life, I need to work out exactly what I want it to look like. I need to work out what I truly desire… the possessions that I want, the person that I want to become, the things that I want to experience….

I want to get out of debt and improve my health. I want to spend quality time with my family. There are some material possessions that I want to acquire and things that I want to experience. I want to travel to various locations around the world.

For now, I am not going to go into full details of what I want in my life… I will keep it a secret until I have acquired them. Everyone has their version of the dream lifestyle.

It’s hard to visualize a life of abundance and happiness when you are faced with financial worries and health issues. I know, I have to look beyond my current reality to enable me to transform my life.

I am not going to settle for a mediocre life longer. Surely I possess the ability to live the dream lifestyle that I desire… If others are living it… why not me?

I can pick up the knowledge and take the necessary actions to transform my life. I know it’s going to take some time and effort, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen!

The Negativity Needs To Stop Right Now!

I have recently cut off some people from my life. They had taken advantage of me whilst I was in a bad state of mind after suffering a major car accident back in 2003. They have caused me major loss and conspired towards taking property and money that I should have rightfully inherited.

These people have turned people against me by tarnishing my image. Friends and family that are close to me will be able to see through their deception. They know my true nature and what I have done.

I had helped these people to get out of their rut and they have returned the favor by conspiring to put me in a rut. I used to feel bitter about this, but I have managed to overcome this. I will leave it all in the hands of the almighty.

I have decided to take my destiny into my own hands and know that I will succeed with the help of the almighty. I have a good heart and have not wronged anyone or taken away from others what belonged to them rightfully.

It is now time to leave the negativity behind me and create the future that I truly desire. I need to do it for myself and my family, we have suffered enough and the tide must turn now.

I am ready to seek and apply the knowledge that will help me to transform my life in the one that I truly desire. I will be reading many books on self-improvement and mindset transformation.

I will start by reading “Change Your Life In 7 Daysby Paul McKenna. I bought this book back in 2004, whilst I was going through a period of depression after being involved in a major car accident. This book has been gathering dust on my book shelf along with many other self-help books.

It is time to get started on the journey to become the best that I can be in all areas of my life. There is a lot of knowledge to take in and a lot of action to take.

Once I have finished reading “Change Your Life In 7 Daysby Paul McKenna, I will be in a better state of mind to figure out what I truly want in my life.

I don’t know where I have placed the CD that came with this book. After searching through my things and finding it, I decided to meditate to calm my mind. I have managed to download the audio by searching for it online! This is the first obstacle I have managed to tackle, I know there will be many more…and I am ready to tackle them one after another!

I Will Stick To My Values

I want to build an online income stream that will allow me to focus on my self-improvement goals. I will not compromise my values by promoting things that go against them to earn money. I had a different set of values previously, my values have changed as I have matured and struggled through life.

I will not promote something that I don’t believe in myself. The things that I promote need to provide real value to the end user. I have stopped promoting some online income opportunities that I was involved with. I had paid thousands of dollars to acquire the rights to promote these, but I have stopped promoting these as I don’t believe that they provide sufficient value to the person buying it.

I don’t really want to trash talk high-ticket digital products and opportunities. Sure some exceptional marketers are making money with them, but the vast majority are making a loss.

I need to find an ethical way to earn money using the internet that will enable me to quit my current employment as a corporate security officer. It is hard to focus on self-improvement goals whilst working 12-hour long shifts.

Currently, I am working 21 x 12-hour shifts monthly. My initial goal is to cut down my working hours by transferring to a 4-on 4-off shift pattern. This will mean working approximately 15 x 12-hour shifts monthly. I have set a goal of doing this by the end of June 2025.

September 2025 is going to be a busy month for me as I have many things to deal with. I will also have to attend Jury Service, hopefully, it will last for only 2 weeks. My employers will not pay for my time spent in Jury Service.

My wages in October 2025 will be lower than usual. I will use the extra free time during the 2 weeks of Jury Service to work on solving some of the issues I am currently experiencing in my life.

The Road Ahead For Now

For now, I will focus on reading Change Your Life In 7 Days and carrying out the exercises within it and also listening to the hypnosis audio.

This self-improvement journey that I have started will be a lifelong journey. My goal is to improve myself in all areas of life and pass on the knowledge, tools, and techniques that I acquire to others.

I know a large number of people around the world are not happy with the lives they are currently living. I would like my blog to inspire them to take action towards improving their lives.

This is my first post on this blog and my self-improvement journey has started. I know, I will look back at this post after some time and be grateful that I had started on this journey.

I have wasted valuable time trying to transform my life by working on external issues. I neglected the internal aspect that is required to create a permanent solution.

I worked with various online income opportunities to boost my monthly earnings. I made money, but somehow this extra income disappeared at the end of the month. I was making extra money, but my mindset was stuck to no savings at the end of the month.

The online income opportunities that I was promoting did not align with my core values. I have stopped promoting them and started focusing on developing my mindset. I will find a way of proving real value to others and getting monetized for it.

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