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I Have Finished Reading “Change Your Life In 7 Days”

I finished reading “Change Your Life In 7 Days” by Paul McKenna a couple of weeks ago. This is the first chance I have had to update my blog.

Change Your Life In 7 Days

Many people will scoff at the title of Paul McKenna’s book “Change Your Life In 7 Days”. I was pessimistic when I bought the book back in 2004. I bought it even though I had doubts about the effectiveness of the contents of the book.

I started reading it back in 2004, but did not pay much attention to the content or the exercises outlined within it. After reading a couple of chapters, I placed it back amongst my other self-improvement books to gather dust.

I decided to transform my life in July 2024, I looked through my collection of personal development books and “Change Your Life In 7 Days” stood out. I started reading it thoroughly, listening to the mind-programming audio and carrying out the exercises.

Every day I could feel my mindset transforming, I had a lot of negativity in my life, but I remained optimistic about the future. I learned that it was possible to transform my life in less than 7 days, it was possible to change it in a moment. The very moment I made a firm decision to transform my life, the trajectory of my life changed.

Most people make decisions, but they don’t stick with the decision for long. Once you make a decision and stick to it, you will move towards the thing you have decided to accomplish.

After completing “Change Your Life In 7 Days”, I am in a position to transform my life for the better by continuing with the daily exercises and by listening to the mind-programming audio daily.

The initial reading and daily action plan will allow me to start on the path toward transforming my life. I will have to continue applying the daily actions to reach the goals I have set.

Spending Time With Family

Spending time with family is one of my priorities, as I work 12-hour long shifts. I managed to get some time off work, I had to balance this time between my family and my self-improvement goals.

I managed to spend some quality time with my family and have also managed to complete “Change Your Life In 7 Days”. It took me a lot longer than 7 days to complete this book, as my free time is limited.

I decided to complete it and I have managed to do so. I feel optimistic about my future. I have set goals to enable me to start living the life I desire.

I cannot go into monk mode to accomplish my dreams, as my family time is really important to me. I will have to devise my action plans accordingly to enable me to achieve my goals.

My ultimate goal is to be happy, healthy and have peace and tranquillity in my life. The material things in life will be a bonus, but the mental and emotional state that I want to create is the real goal.

I used to have thoughts about wasting my valuable time after spending over 3 hours watching a movie or going out for the day with the family. I have now accepted that this family time is part of the journey and I enjoy it now, without feeling guilty.

I have kept a balance and always remind myself that I need to take breaks and enjoy my life whilst working on my goals. Happiness is not something that needs to be found way in the distant future, it can also be experienced immediately and throughout the self-improvement journey.

Money Is Important

I consider money as an important factor in my life. It’s not money for the sake of having money, it’s the lifestyle it will allow me to live. I want to have enough money to cover my living expenses and not worry where it will come from.

Currently, I have to rely on the wages from my work to cover my monthly expenses. I want to reach a position where the money required to cover my monthly expenses comes from a passive income source and not my wages.

I need to find a way to build a passive income source that aligns with my core values. It has to come from an ethical source that provides real value to the end user.

When I was younger, I did not pay much attention to where the money was coming from. My values have changes as I have grown older and experienced many things in life.

I have stopped judging others on where their money comes from, but I will not compromise my values. I don’t want to look back and question my source of wealth.

I know I will find a passive income source that aligns with my core values and meets my requirements. I don’t want to live like a hermit, I want to explore the world and experience the good things it has to offer.

My beliefs related to money have kept it away from me. A large amount of money has flowed through my hands, but I was not able to keep a hold of it. The more money that flowed into my hands the more ways it found of leaving my hands.

I have to work on my beliefs related to money to enable me to have more of it flowing to me and be able to keep a hold of it. I don’t want to hoard it, I want to be able to invest ethically to bring in passive income.

My subconscious programming related to money has to be changed and I will also need to install other programs that help me become wealthy.

Focusing On The Future I Desire

I start and end my day my visualising the future that I truly want. I go into a relaxed state and watch a movie of the lifestyle that I desire in my mind. I work on making it as real as possible by taking in the movie scene through my senses.

This mind movie exercise helps to keep me focused on my dream lifestyle. I try and cut out the present reality by focusing on the reality that I truly desire.

There are many ways to reprogram your subconscious mind like mind movies, affirmations, vision boards… try out as many of these techniques as you can. You will eventually find the techniques that work for you.

The most important thing is to believe that you will create the lifestyle that you desire. Without belief nothing will work, with belief almost any of the techniques will work.

What really holds us back from achieving our dreams and becoming the person we want to be is our self-image. This is the image of ourselves that we have programmed into our subconscious mind. This self-image is the way we think of ourselves.

We will never be able to out do our self-image, it will hold us back. We cannot become more successful than the image we hold of ourselves in our mind.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz is one of the pioneers in the field of self-image transformation. I was introduced to the term “Self-Image” whilst reading his book “Psycho-Cybernetics”. I will read this book again and go through the exercises thoroughly.

Eliminate Stress From Your Life

Relax and enjoy the journey towards creating your dream life. Don’t wait for happiness to suddenly materialise after creating your dream life, you must be happy whilst on the journey.

Many entrepreneurs have said that enjoyed the journey from rags to riches. Once they had become financially free, the excitement had diminished. It can never be like the journey from rags to riches again, this is a special journey.

Going from broke to financial freedom sets the foundation of wealth. Once the foundation has been established correctly, you will continue reaping the rewards for the rest of your life.

Have faith in your abilities and focus on your dream, enjoy every moment of the journey. There will be many challenges along the journey, you will need to build your skills and take action to overcome all these challenges.

Every challenge you overcome will increase your belief in your abilities and move you closer to your dream lifestyle. You cannot let temporary setbacks rob you of your dream lifestyle.

There will be many failures along the way. You need to treat these failures as learning experiences, they will become the building blocks to the successes in the future.

I have stopped worrying about where the money is going to come from to enable me to meet my monthly expenses. I am more focused on building my dream. The bills will get paid as long as I have a steady income coming in from my job.

I used to dislike my time at work, I am now grateful for having this job as it enables me to cover my monthly expenses. I use the quiet time at work to focus on my dream lifestyle.

I am working on my dream in my own time, I am not stressed about when it is going to become my reality. I know that it will become my reality as long as I am focused and keep on taking the necessary actions.

I have been off work for a few days. At first I planned on spending this time to work on my self-improvement goals and my blog. Later on I changed my plans to focus on spending the time with family and actually relaxing myself.

I have decreased my stress levels by spending quality time with family. I have also spent many hours, walking and relaxing in the forest and woodland areas around my home.

I am grateful to be living in an area that is surrounded by nature. The air is fresh and there is peace and tranquillity. I did not pay much attention to the beautiful locations around my home. The exercise related to gratitude mentioned in some of the self-improvement videos that I have watched has opened up my senses.

I have also been actively maintaining my garden. I have planted and harvested some South Asian vegetables. I have also planted and harvested many varieties of chili peppers. The time spent gardening has reduced my stress levels. I feel revitalised and ready to work on my dreams.

I can feel my body recovering from the physical and mental symptoms that I was suffering from. I have managed to turn the tide, I am not 100% back to my optimal health yet. I am optimistic that I will make a full recovery very soon.

I have decided to start working on my blog today to give you an update on my progress. I have managed to complete “Change Your Life In 7 Days” by Paul McKenna. I have also watched many videos on self-improvement and will start reading more books.

I am applying the techniques outlined in the videos that I have watched to find ones that work for me. It’s a journey and I will stay focused and enjoy what life has to offer me.

The journey has just started and I am going to stay focused on my dream until I have reached my ultimate state of happiness.

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