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How Do You Manifest A Better Future?

I have been searching for an answer to the above question for many months. In this post, I want to reveal some of the ideas and techniques I have encountered.

You Need To Know What You Want

If you don’t have a dream, you will continue living your nightmare existence. Once you have decided that you do not want to live your life in your current situation, you can start focusing on the life you truly want to live.

Most people struggle along in life without really knowing what they truly want. They may say that they want more money… almost everyone will say they would like more money.

The important thing is to know what you want the money for. What will having more money allow you to do?

Carry out the exercise outlined below to get an idea of what you want in your life:

Get a blank sheet of A4 paper and write the heading “What I Want In My Life”. Start listing everything that you want in your life, include material possessions, personal traits, and experiences you want to have.

Start thinking big and don’t limit yourself, list down as many things as possible. Spend 30 minutes to an hour on this exercise. Use more sheets of paper if necessary.

Once you have listed as many things as possible, narrow down the list to 10 things that you truly want in your life. These 10 things should allow your life to become much better than what it is currently.

This narrowed-down list will give you an idea of what you truly want in your life. Use this list to form goals for all the things you want. These goals should be written down in the present tense as though you have already achieved them or own the items.

I have found that setting goals alone will not allow you to achieve them. You need to address the root cause of your failures and the negativity in your life.

Focus on your list of 10 goals daily and work on programming them into your subconscious mind.

I will outline how you can easily program your subconscious mind in this post.

Reality Is A Mirror Of Yourself

Our outer circumstance (reality) is a mirror reflection of our inner condition (self-image). The ancients understood this principle and have documented it in various works.

One of the seven Hermetic principles is the principle of correspondence. This principle states “As above, so below; as below, so above”. This principle as stated by Hermes Trismegistus in the Kabalion embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between the laws and experienced realities of the various planes of being and life.

Our self-image is programmed into the subconscious mind and creates the conditions we experience. The self-image is formed by our beliefs and how we see ourselves in our mind’s eye.

The self-image is formed mainly during our childhood. During our early years, there is not much filtering of the thoughts and ideas that enter our subconscious mind.

Many people put in great effort to improve their lives but continue to struggle. This is because the root cause of their struggles is not being addressed. They are not working on transforming their self-image.

Hard work will not produce better results than smart work. The important thing to note is that the self-image can be programmed (or re-programmed) to bring you the results you desire in life.

In the Quran it is revealed “Surely, Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” 13: 11

Holy scriptures and great works on self-improvement state our inner world creates our outer world.

I had been struggling for many years after my life had been shattered after being involved in a major road traffic accident. I put in a lot of time and effort to try and get my life back on track again, but I was not working on my self-image.

My self-image had deteriorated to the lowest level in my life, and I was trying to transform my life by working on external elements.

You Don’t Change The Mirror

Our reality is a mirror image (reflection) of the world that we have created in our minds. Most of us are trying to change the reflection. It is impossible to change the reflection, we need to work on changing the actual thing, the creation in our minds.

Once the creation in our minds has been transformed, the reflection (our reality) will also change.

Every aspect of your life, health, relationships, wealth… is determined by the programs you have stored in your subconscious mind. These subconscious programs are beliefs you have formed related to each aspect of your life.

You will need to change your beliefs at the subconscious level to manifest the reality you desire. I will outline the techniques that you can use to transform the beliefs and the self-image you hold in your subconscious mind.

The important thing to note is that you don’t work on changing the reflection. You work on changing the subconscious programming.

The Delay Factor

You will not see immediate results after changing the programming in the subconscious mind as there is a delay factor.

The reality that you experience does not manifest immediately. The time it takes to manifest your reality will depend on your level of belief.

The stronger your belief in the reality you desire the faster it will manifest. The delay factor works as a safety valve that allows you to have the opportunity to change your mind.

Sometimes the reality you desire may not be what you want. You may want something different based on some recent events and experiences.

It has taken you many years to install the programs in your subconscious mind, and it will take you some time to replace them and install other programs.

There are techniques to speed up the process of programming your subconscious mind and altering your self-image.

Allow Yourself To Accept The Changes

Once you start experiencing changes in your life and your personality, you must allow yourself to accept these changes.

Let’s say you were earning £3,000 monthly, after programming your subconscious mind you start earning £5,000 monthly, you will need to accept this as your reality.

If you are not able to accept it, your earnings will go back to £3,000 monthly. Your subconscious will create your desired reality, but you will have to accept it to retain it,

After re-programming your self-image, you will have to accept yourself as the person you become. Accept your confidence, charisma, and enhanced abilities….this will enable you to keep them.

Allow yourself to accept the changes in your life and the personal traits that you build up as a result of your subconscious programming.

How To Program Your Subconscious Mind

You may be asking the question “How can I program or reprogram my subconscious mind?”. There are many ways, tools, and techniques that you can use to program your subconscious mind.

I will keep it as simple as possible and only discuss the tools and techniques that are freely available to everyone.

Meditation is one of the best techniques to use in programming your subconscious mind. Meditation allows us to lower the frequency at which our brain is operating at.

Our thoughts can be programmed into the subconscious mind at these lower frequencies. The human brain normally operates at 14 to 20 Hertz.

We can lower this through meditation to Alpha (8 to 12 Hertz), Theta (4 to 8 Hertz) and Delta (1 to 4 Hertz).

We cannot do much at the Delta frequency as it is like a deep state of sleep. We can carry out the subconscious programming at the Alpha (8 to 12 Hertz) and Theta (4 to 8 Hertz) frequencies.

The simplest form of meditation involves focusing on the breath and relaxing the body. Sit in a comfortable position and start focusing on your breath.

Breathe in quietly through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and breathe out forcefully through your mouth for eight seconds. Repeat this cycle a minimum of four time whilst relaxing all parts of your body.

This is known as 4-7-8 breathing, you can use it to go into a relaxed state of mind and body. Once you are relaxed start focusing on your breath to eliminate distractions. There will be many thoughts playing in your mind, allow every thought to pass by focusing on your breath.

Gradually you will go from Alpha to Theta. Once you have reached a relaxed state, focus on the lifestyle you want to create and the person you want to become.

Play a movie in your mind of the lifestyle you want to create. See yourself displaying the character traits you want to acquire. See the possessions you want to acquire and the experiences you want to have.

Make this movie as realistic as possible by adding feelings to it. Make it vivid, turn up the colour, and make it crystal clear. Imagine feeling the items in the movie, hearing the voices and sounds, smelling the aromas, and tasting the food and drinks….

I know you’re thinking it’s only a movie in your mind, but you need to make it as realistic as possible. You need to feel as though it is real by getting your mind movie to connect with your emotions.

I have found that it is best to perform this meditation and visualization in a comfortable sitting position instead of lying down as suggested by some authors. The sitting position will allow you to easily reach Alpha and Theta frequencies without falling asleep (Delta frequency).

Carry out the above meditation and visualization a minimum of twice daily. It is suggested that you should do it straight after waking up and just before going to bed.

This is the easiest way to program your subconscious mind to enable you to transform your life and become the person you desire to be.

Many people have used the exact same procedure outlined above to manifest their dream lifestyle and acquire the possession they desired.

You will need to stay consistent to see the results. Do it for a minimum of 12 months with belief and see how your life transforms.

Use The Power Of Gratitude

When you are grateful for the good things and circumstances in your life at this present moment, you will be rewarded with more good things and circumstances in the future.

You can go through the things you are grateful for in your life after doing the daily meditation and visualization sessions.

It is revealed in the Quran “If you are grateful, I will certainly give you more. But if you are ungrateful, surely My punishment is severe.” 14:7

The power of gratitude is truly immense, and the negative aspects associated with pride and arrogance should be avoided.

Another great way to reap the power of gratitude is by keeping a Gratitude Journal. This is a daily journal in which you write down the things you are grateful for on that day.

You can carry out your gratitude journaling first thing after waking up or before going to bed. I suggest you do it first thing after waking up to get you into a positive mindset for the rest of the day.

Being grateful will also shield you from evils associated with pride and arrogance. Gratitude is a positive emotion that will eliminate the negative emotions of pride and arrogance.

If you are currently stuck in a rut, you may be thinking that you cannot find many things to be grateful for.

The truth is that there is always something to be grateful for in your life, no matter how bad it all seems.

You can be grateful for waking up in the morning, having food to eat, clothes to wear, and a roof over your head. You can be grateful for having eyes to read this post and the ability to understand the concepts outlined within it.  

The act of being grateful for little things in your life will get you out of negativity and allow you to be grateful for more things in your life.

Always turn a negative situation or circumstance into a positive one by using the power of gratitude.

Let me give you an example:

I received a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) of £110 via post. I was caught on camera dropping off my son on a bus stop, as there was no parking available for a long distance. My immediate feeling was that the council are crooks and that it was not fair.

I reversed this by stating to my mind that I will only have to pay £55, if I pay it within 28 days. I started thinking that I am grateful for having a car. I am thankful for having the money to pay this PCN immediately.

It’s only £55, I cannot allow this to put me in a bad mood. I will pay more attention to the parking signs and restrictions in the future.

If I allow myself to get into an ungrateful mood, I will attract other bad experiences and events into my life.

I am grateful for having the money to pay the PCN and will do so immediately, and get on with the important things in my life.

The important thing is not to let little things distract you from focusing on the bigger things you want in your life.

As the saying goes “I’ve got bigger fish to fry”. Stay focused on your goals and be grateful for things that are going right for you.

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