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How To Set Goals Using Brian Tracy’s Powerful Formula

Brian Tracy has developed this powerful goal setting formula after studying many goal setting techniques. This formula has been used by many people worldwide to transform their lives.

Why Set Goals?

Our life is a journey that takes us to various destinations (circumstances). If you don’t know where you want to go, life will take you to any destination it wants. You will end up experiencing situations in life that you don’t enjoy.

Goal setting allows us to set the destinations in our life, instead of just drifting along like a rudderless boat in the ocean of life. By setting goals you get to choose how your life unfolds.

I have read many books by Brian Tracy on goal setting and self-improvement. I want to share some of the ideas Brian has outlined in three of his books:

1) Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want – Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible

2) Focal Point: A Proven System to Simplify Your Life, Double Your Productivity, and Achieve All Your Goals

3) Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills that Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed

Using this goal setting formula for 20-30 minutes a day, you will be able to transform your life. I will outline Brian Tracy’s 4 step goal setting formula in this post.

I will be using this formula to transform my life. I invite to to test it out for 12 months to see the difference it makes to your life.

Step 1 – Grab A Notebook And Pen

Get A Notebook And Keep It Handy. Every day, write down your 10 most important goals without looking at what you wrote yesterday. Keep doing this every day.

Something Amazing Will Happen. The first time you write your goals, you’ll have to really think about them. The next day, it’ll be easier, but your goals might change, even in order. Sometimes, a goal you write today won’t appear tomorrow. It might even disappear forever, or show up later when it’s more important.

As You Keep Writing Your Goals, They’ll Become Clearer. You’ll start using the same words every day. Your goals might change in order as your life changes, but after about a month, you’ll be writing down the same goals every day.

Then, Something Incredible Happens. You’ll feel like you’re on a fast-moving train, and your work and personal life will improve a lot. You’ll have lots of new ideas, and good things will start happening to help you achieve your goals. You’ll make progress quickly, sometimes even too quickly!

Everything Will Start To Change.

Step 2. You Must Follow These Rules

Follow These Rules To Get The Most Out Of This Exercise:

  1. Use The 3 Ps: Write your goals in the Positive, Present, and Personal tense.
    • Positive: Say what you want, not what you don’t want. For example, instead of “I will quit smoking,” say “I’m a non-smoker.”
    • Present: Write your goals as if they’ve already happened. Instead of “I will earn $50,000,” say “I earn $50,000.”
    • Personal: Use “I” at the beginning of each goal. Your mind will work harder to achieve goals that are about you.
  2. Set A Deadline: Add a date to each goal. For example, “I earn $5,000 a month by December 31, 2025.” Deadlines motivate your mind to work harder.

Following the above rules will allow your subconscious mind to accept your goals.

Step 3. Can You Pass The Test?

Writing your 10 goals everyday will test your desire in achieving your goals. You will be able to determine how badly you want them to transform into reality.

Sometimes, goals slip our minds. This can indicate a lack of commitment or belief. However, by making a daily habit of writing and rewriting your goals, you’ll gain clarity and confidence in what you truly desire.

Write down your 10 goals daily with unwavering belief. The path may be unclear, but your subconscious will absorb them, leading to unwavering conviction in their achievement.

Once your subconscious mind fully embraces your goals as directives from your conscious mind, it begins aligning your words, actions, and thoughts with these aspirations. This powerful subconscious force attracts people and situations that can aid in goal achievement. Operating tirelessly like a constantly active computer, your subconscious mind works tirelessly to manifest your goals into reality. Without much conscious effort, your goals will start to materialize in your life, often in surprising and extraordinary ways.

When setting new goals, it’s common to experience skepticism or doubt about their feasibility. While you may envision them in your conscious mind, full belief and conviction might not have developed yet. This is natural; don’t let it hinder your daily use of this method. To make it work, simply obtain a notebook and commit to writing down your ten goals daily in a positive, present, and personal tense. That’s all it takes.

In just a week, month, or year, you might look around and be amazed at how much your life has changed. Even if you’re not totally convinced, it only takes about 10 minutes a day to give it a shot.

Step 4. Turbo Charge Your Efforts!

To increase the effectiveness of this method, you can use another powerful technique. After writing down your goal in a positive, present, and personal way, list at least three immediate actions you can take to achieve it, also in a positive, present, and personal manner.

For example, if your goal is to earn a specific amount of money, you could write, “I earn $50,000 over the next 12 months.” Then, immediately below, you can write…

  1. I meticulously plan my days ahead.
  2. I prioritize my most crucial tasks and dive right into them.
  3. I maintain unwavering focus on my top priority until it’s fully accomplished.

No matter your goal, you can readily identify three immediate actions to propel you towards it. By writing down these action steps, you’re essentially programming your subconscious mind with them, alongside your goal. At a certain point, you’ll find yourself instinctively taking these steps, often without conscious thought. Each step will accelerate your progress toward your ultimate objective.

Action Plan For The Next 10 Days

  • 1. Gather Your Tools: Grab a notebook and a pen.
  • 2. Define Your Goals: Write down 10 goals in clear and simple terms. Imagine explaining them to a 6-year-old. Make sure they’re understandable and easily communicable to others.
  • 3. Daily Reflection: Repeat this exercise the following day without referring to your previous notes.
  • 4. Consistent Practice: Continue this process for a total of 8 more days.

After completing this exercise, you’ll likely feel inspired to dive deeper into your goals, take concrete actions, and perhaps even consider hiring a coach to accelerate your progress.

Almost everyone in the world wants to experience a better lifestyle, but only a small number are willing to put in the time and effort to make it happen.

Writing down your goals adds to the power of them getting embedded into your subconscious mind. Once your goals have been transferred over to your subconscious mind, it will work on them 24 hours a day. Your subconscious mind does not need to rest, it will continue looking for ways to accomplish your goals.

Your subconscious mind will inspire to to take actions that will enable you to accomplish your goals. Once you get inspired by your subconscious to take action, you must do it immediately.

The Power Of Brainstorming

Let’s say that your goal is to earn $100,000 within the next 12 months…

Formulate this goal into a question like “How Can I Earn $50,000 By 31st Of December 2025?”

Grab two blank sheets of paper, and write this question as the heading on one of the sheets . Your objective is to write down 20 answers for this question. Start writing the answers one after another, you may get stuck after writing the first five to six answers. You will need to push past this mental block.

Keep focused on the question and continue writing your answers until you reach answer number 20. Sometimes it’s the 20th answer that will reveal the solution and the actions that you need to take to achieve your desired goal.

Once you have written down 20 answers to your question, you can start prioritizing the answers from 1 to 20 by the efficiency of the answers. Transfer your answers in order of priority onto the second sheet of paper and start working on the answers one by one, taking the necessary actions outlined in them.

Brainstorming is a powerful process that allows creativity to flow. It can be done as a group to come up with solutions to problems. It can also be done individually to find solutions to your objectives as outlined above. All it takes is a blank sheet of paper, a pen to tap into your creative side.

Get Out Of Someday Isle

Most people are living on Someday Isle. The have wishes like “Someday I’ll Be Rich”, but they are not willing to do anything to transform their wishes into reality. They continue living on Someday Isle and watch their dreams fade away.

Don’t become a permanent resident of Someday Isle. You have the ability to leave this crowded location and pursue your dream lifestyle. It all starts with a desire of living a better life. If you fire up this desire by setting goals and taking the necessary actions, your dreams can become your reality.

All it takes is a notepad, a pen and the power of your subconscious mind. I’m not saying it’s easy to transform your life, but it is possible. If it was easy, everyone would be living their dream lifestyle.

If you are ready to leave Someday Isle, start writing down your goals and take action to accomplish them. It’s easy to wish for a better life, but it takes time and effort to create it.

I will continue reading Brian Tracy’s books, watching his videos, and listening to his audio programs to fire up my motivation. Brian has soaked up a vast amount of knowledge related to self-improvement. He is not just a gather of information, he has actually used this information to build multi-million dollar businesses.

His techniques have enabled thousands of people worldwide to transform their lives and create the financial freedom they desired. I will be using his proven techniques and continue passing them on via my blog posts.

I had been stuck on Someday Isle for a long time, I have started working on getting out of this rut. I have started to realize that my life does not have to be a struggle. I nearly accepted becoming a permanent resident of Someday Isle… I have now, manage to see a way out of it.

Follow my journey out of this mythical but very real place called Someday Isle. I have come to the conclusion that life is not worth living without having goals. We all possess the power to take control of our destiny by setting and achieving worthy goals.

It has taken me a while to write this blog post. I will be on jury service for approximately 2 weeks. I will continue working on my self-improvement and financial freedom goals. I will update you on the progress in the next blog post.

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