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Powerful Natural Relief From Cold And Flu Symptoms

I will reveal my family’s natural cold and flu relief formula. This has been working for us for decades. I have modified it slightly as it is hard to get a hold of some of the fresh ingredients.

The Cold & Flu Season Has Kicked In

It is impossible to avoid Cold & Flu at this time of year, as the germs start spreading like crazy. It starts to kick in from mid September and lasts all the way up to mid May.

People are coughing and sneezing in packed buses and trains during rush hour commute to and from work. Once you reach work, there will be many colleagues that are infected with Cold & Flu viruses. There is no getting away from it, especially during the height of the Cold & Flu season.

I sanitize my hands and work equipment multiple times, but the Cold & Flu viruses still manage to infect me. Some of the colleagues at work would sneeze straight onto the shared computer screen and keyboard, and not even bother to wipe the screen, keyboard or sanitize their hands.

You can’t do much to change peoples habits, so you have to deal with the virus the best you can. It is not possible to immunize yourself against the Cold & Flu virus, you need to let it run its course.

You may not be able to prevent it, but you can make it easy to deal with it. You don’t need to suffer with Cold & Flu for weeks. I have been able to shrug it off within a week.

I don’t take any of the Cold & Flu medications available in the market place. I have not found them to be of much benefit. I have even stopped taking paracetamol.

Cold & Flu medicine is big business, but I question the effectiveness of these medicines. Your GP will not prescribe anything for Cold & Flu. They know that the virus needs to run the course.

My Family’s Cold & Flu Remedy

We have been using our Cold & Flu remedy for decades. We use to get fresh ingredients when available. Sometimes we have to use alternatives to replace the fresh ingredients.

As soon as we get the virus, we prepare our Cold & Flu remedy. I will outline how this powerful remedy is created. I don’t use exact measurements of the ingredients, but rely on taste and approximation.

Place 2 litres of water on the boil in a saucepan. Once the water starts to boil, decrease the heat and add the following ingredients to the water: 5 Cloves, a hand full of Hibiscus Flowers, a small piece of Ginger (finely chopped or grated), a table spoon of Organic Turmeric Powder, quarter tea spoon of Himalayan Pink Salt.

Turn up the heat and mix all the ingredients by stilling with a wooden spoon. Pour the mixture through a Sieve into a 2 litre glass glass jug and wait for it to cool slightly. Once it has cooled a little add some Manuka Honey or normal honey to taste.

You can sip on this mixture through out the day. You can pour it into a thermal bottle to keep it warm as you sip it.

If you have not recovered from your Cold & Flu virus after drinking the 2 litres of this mixture, you can make another 2 litres to help you on the road to recovery.

You can use Sea Salt instead of Himalayan Pink Salt and normal honey instead of Manuka Honey. I have Manuka Honey available, as I use it to sweeten by herbal tea.

The ingredients for this Cold & Flu remedy may seem expensive, but a 160 ml bottle of Night Nurse will cost you around £9.55. In my opinion it is better to go for the natural option, instead of pumping chemicals into your body.

I’ve linked some of the ingredients and utensils to Amazon UK. If you use my link, I will earn a commission. You many already have most of the items at home, apart from the Hibiscus Flowers.

You can make a larger batch of this remedy and store it in the fridge for a couple of weeks. Once a family member has been infected by the Cold & Flu virus, other will most likely get infected within a week. You will have a supply ready to warm up and serve on demand.

It May Be A Placebo Effect

I don’t know each of the ingredients actually does towards soothing the symptoms and getting rid of the cold virus. I know that it works for me and my family.

It may be a placebo effect, but I’m going stick with it, as it works for me. The tangy, salty, sweet taste hits the taste buds and sends a tingly feeling inside the body.

I know pharmaceutical companies will not test this natural Cold & Flu remedy as it may interfere with their business. These companies are in it to make money and pay their board of directors, managers and share holders.

Medicine is big business and there are many products and formulations that have little affect, but they are marketed to make money.

Some of Dr. Sebi (Alfredo Bowman), a Honduran herbalist and healer has documented many remedies and preventative measures. Most of his work is ridiculed by mainstream medicine, but appreciated by the people using the knowledge.

Dr. Mercola is a doctor of osteopathic medicine, but he has researched extensively into natural healthy remedies and preventative nutrition.

There is a lot of controversy related to herbal medicine and alternative therapies like acupuncture, cupping, homoeopathy…

When conventional medicine can resolve health issues, people try out alternative therapies. Many people have witnessed the pain relief offered by acupuncture.

Many people around the world are looking into natural health remedies. We should look at preventing health issues, as the saying goes “Prevention is better than cure”.

Change Your Diet To Transform Your Health

If you follow a healthy diet, your body will be able to renew your cells and fight diseases effectively. Most health issues are triggered by a combination of unhealthy diets and a lack of exercise.

You can keep your immune system topped up by following a healthy diet in combination with a good exercise routine. Sometimes we don’t get the required amount of vitamins and minerals from the food we consume. A good multivitamin and mineral supplement can take care of this deficiency.

It is a good idea to take a blood test to find out if you are lacking in any of the required vitamins and minerals. You can get a dietician to create a personalized diet for you based on the results.

A healthy diet may cost more than eating junk food, but it will enable you to be in optimal health. When you are in good health, you will be less likely to suffer from adverse health issues.

If you eat healthy, take care of your immune system and stay physically active… you will be able to maintain your health longer as you get older.

There is a lot of research into slowing down the aging process, but for now we need to make the most of what is currently available in the form of nutrition and exercise.

Mindset Is Important

You can influence your health using your mind. The self-image that you hold of yourself will run programs from your subconscious mind to make you healthy or unhealthy.

Program a healthy version of yourself (as your self-image) into your subconscious mind by using visualization and affirmations. Always think of yourself as being healthy and in good shape.

Your most dominant thoughts related to your health will dictate your health. Focus on improving your health daily and make it a dominant thought. This will help you to avoid unhealthy food and also get you to become more active.

If you are stuck in an office job that requires you to sit for a long periods of time, you can break it up with short periods of standing and stretching.

Most people start by putting on a few pound of extra weight as they get into their middle age years. They think that they will be able to shed it of later on. But that later on, never comes.

If you are serious about losing weight, you need to start immediately. You can start off with a few easy exercises and gradually build up a more extensive work out routine.

Gradually cut out sugar, fizzy drinks and fast food from your diet. You can also replace your snacks with healthy alternatives like fruit and nuts.

If you are used to having a sweet dessert to complete your meal, it may be hard to eliminate this. You can gradually reduce the portion size and work towards eliminating it completely.

I am working on cutting out sugar from my diet. I started off by replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners. I am working on also cutting out these artificial sweeteners too.

I have got used to having tea without sugar, but coffee with is taking some time to get used to. I am following a healthy diet, but I have a cheat (treat) day once in a while.

I know it is hard to stick to a healthy diet, but if you really want to transform your health you will find the motivation to do so. Most people experience the yo-yo diet, when they start and stop dieting like a yo-yo! I have been guilty of this myself too.

I hope you find some inspiration in my blog posts to enable you to start on your own self-improvement journey. I have made a decision to improve my health as a result of going through some adverse health issues recently.

I have cut down on sugar, fizzy drink and fast food. I have also managed to stop snacking on crisps and chocolate bars at work. I used to drink a couple of cans of red bull to keep me awake at work, I have managed to replace them with black coffee!

I will gradually replace the black coffee with a hot drink consisting of lemon juice and honey. I need a hot drink to keep me going during these cold winter nights. I will fill up my thermal drinks bottle with this replacement and sip it slowly through out the night.

I have actually used the Cold & Flu remedy that I have posted on this blog during the past week. I had caught the Cold & Flu virus 6 days ago, most likely at work. I have been sipping on the remedy that I prepared and have managed to shrug of the virus today.

I had been taking the remedy every day for 7 days and it has worked like a miracle. I have not taken any other medication, I have been taking a Multivitamin & Minerals supplement and a vitamin D3 & K2 supplement.

I have take the vitamin D3 & K2 supplement as work nigh-shifts and do not get much exposure to the sun. I am working towards getting out of these 12 hour long night shifts, as they are affecting my adversely my health.

I don’t know how I am going to replace the earning from my current employment, but I know that I must do it. I cannot continue working these night shifts.

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